Friday, February 27, 2009

"Team Luciano"

fresh white walls without art makes me sad...
this will soon change!
I was so grateful to have a tremendous amount of help on my studio this past week. As much as I love doing things on my own (I'm a pretty driven gal if you haven't noticed)....I definitely welcome the "free help" with very open arms! (please sign up for volunteering below...;-) My father, and brother generously contributed their time and energy last Tuesday, priming and painting my entire studio. Together, we completed what would have taken me days, if not weeks to do myself. This 600 square foot, two story building was finished in an amazingly short 5 hours. Now, that is pretty impressive I would say. Luckily for me, my brother Tom is completely fearless of heights or balancing or any of the stuff that normally terrifies me. So thanks to his acrobatics and our 'ol family team effort, this stage of the game is finito! Thanks guys!!!
Most walls are ready for ART!! As much as this might make some people cringe...I CANT WAIT to bang tons of holes in the walls! It IS a studio after all!!!

*we were so busy...I got sadly got no pictures of the 'ol team hard at work. I'm sure there will be a next time!

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